Monday, January 29, 2007
Finally, Scientists Invent Something Useful
Posted by Sam at 5:17 PM | tags: coffee
The same group of people that brought us the H-Bomb (you know, scientists) have finally developed something genuinely useful: the caffeinated doughnut.
Geez... it's about damn time.
And as always, don't forget to wash your hands before you eat.
(via Neat-o-rama... who is apparently playing a little game of link trade with yours truly!)
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Friday, January 19, 2007
Posted by Sam at 11:14 AM | tags: life
This is the most worthless, pathetic, and tragic excuse for a New England winter that I, in any (and all) of my long 28 years of an excruciatingly confusing existence, have ever experienced. It's January 19th... and this is it!? This is all you've got!? Worthless! Pathetic! Tragic! Winter, you're a slacker. Get a job, you bum. And no, you may not "crash on my couch till you get things sorted out."
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
Life Coffee is Beautiful
Posted by Sam at 1:39 PM | tags: life, coffee
I write this as I sit, contentedly, in the cleverly titled coffee shop, koffee too?, located in historic downtown New Haven. It's a gloomy day. Gray, dreary, cheerless (my favorite kind)... and I feel elated. Perhaps, however, it's more the effects of the finely caffeinated beverage in my hand, than a tangible manifestation of happiness, exuding reluctantly from the damp January air. Ahh yes... life truly is beautiful.
And, of course, so is coffee.
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Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Posted by Sam at 5:56 PM
It seems that my pal, cohort, and all-around swell guy, Tim, is a treasure trove of audio snippets. Go here, and click the big red button. You'll hear his audio debut. Anyway, with his permission, I've posted this voicemail that he left on my phone earlier today. Tim wants an iPhone too. Umm... click play (sometimes twice):
REMOVED! Umm... why didn't anyone tell me that certain browsers are autoplaying this clip (even though I specifically set autoplay to "false." Really. I did!)??? Well, sorry about that. Must have been pretty annoying. Anyway, click HERE to give it a listen.
This is the last iPhone related post. I promise... for today, anyway.
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Needless to say, I want one. Badly.
Posted by Sam at 4:25 PM | tags: apple
I knew there was a reason that I haven't purchased a Treo yet. And yes, of course, that reason is Apple's highly anticipated iPhone. If you're new to the world of gadget lust, may I suggest donning a bib before viewing this slick device... because trust me, the drool will flow freely.
I'm not going to go over everything that this plastic and chrome rectanguloid can do... that would take a while. It does a lot. And I'm lazy. And, you know what? I'm not even going to go over my favorite features. They are plentiful. Apple has a stunning demo that explains it all. And I'm lazy. I am however, going to tell you this: I WANT ONE. I want it now and I want it badly.
And in other (more boring) MacWorld '07 news, The Steve showed us Apple TV today. Umm. Okay. I really don't care. But whatever... this year's MacWorld was all about the iPhone anyway... which even has a whole tab devoted to it on Apple's site. That's got to count for something, right? Oh... and no new large mauling cat info? Where was all the Leopard stuff? Ah well... I guess that particular cat will have to stay in the bag for just a bit longer, so to speak. (Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I just couldn't help myself.)
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I Will Never Doubt The Steve Ever Again
Posted by Sam at 3:26 PM | tags: apple
I don't even know where to begin. How many times have I blogged something to the extent of, "Apple building an iPhone? Never!"? Well, let's count. In no particular order:
1. "iPhone: Not a chance in hell" (January 11, 2005)
2. "I doubt that we'll ever see an Apple branded cell phone." (January 10, 2005)
3. "No iPhone. And once again, I told you so." (September 12, 2006)
4. "An iPhone?" (January 05, 2005)
5. "An iPhone?" (January 03, 2007)
6. "iPhone? I'm growing tired of saying it... Apple is not making a cell phone." (September 07, 2006)
7. "The Mac rumor mills have spat this one out before... that Apple is making an iPhone." (April 05, 2006)
8. "Really people, an iPhone!? It's not gonna happen." (December 20, 2006)
9. "...a deep-rooted, passionate love of a company that can do no wrong (unless they release an iPhone)." (April 13, 2006)
and, of course, my personal favorite:
10. "Apple is not and will not be producing an iPhone... ever." (March 20, 2006)
So that's... umm... ten. Unless I've missed something, I've told you that Apple is not developing, and will not be releasing, an iPhone on ten separate occasions. I'm going to have to regain a lot of trust. I'm going to require a lot of coffee.
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Am iDreaming? (Get it? Nevermind...)
Posted by Sam at 1:42 PM | tags: apple
An iPhone. Well I'll be...
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Wordpress is Looking Pretty Darn Good
Posted by Sam at 11:39 AM | tags: blogging
Blogger... you punk! This is not the day, nor the time, to schedule arbitrary maintenance. You big jerk. It's the f-ing MacWorld Keynote Presentation today! Grr... Blogger... grr... And this is especially inconvenient considering that today has been declared the official Day of the Blog. (Do you think Blogger did this on purpose... to conserve bandwidth or something? Or, is this outage just a tragic and horrible coincidence? Or, has my love for Apple deluded my sense of what really matters? Or, is Blogger simply reminding us that blogging during the Keynote is a privilege, not a right? Okay, Blogger. You've made your point. I am humbled before you. Now can I blog? Please?)
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Emergency Broadcast System. This is not a test.
Posted by Sam at 10:15 AM | tags: blogging
ALERT! Today, January 9, 2007, officially declared Day of the Blog.
Consider yourself... alerted?
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007
When I Turn 30...
Posted by Sam at 11:53 AM | tags: apple
When I turn 30 (which is approaching at an uncomfortably quick pace), I am going to put a giant banner on sam bot dot com that reads: The first 30 years were just the beginning. Welcome to 2008. And then I'm going to cry... because I'll be 30.
Yesterday, Apple did the same on their home page. Theirs, of course, read 2007 instead of 2008 (which is when I'll be turning 30. Yep, in May actually. Save your condolences till then, please). But what, pray tell, is going to be so special about 2007? An iPhone? The iTv? Something without an i prefix? Really Apple, the iStuff is getting a bit played out.
But, I did just read that next Tuesday's MacWorld SF Keynote is slated to be a whopping two hours as opposed to the usual and, if I may be so bold as to say, measly one hour. That's impressive. With two hours of presentation time, the Steve is bound to dazzle us all with new toys, software, and black turtlenecks.
I'll be glued to my live feed. Will you? (No, you probably won't. You probably have what we in the Macosphere call "a life." And I hope you enjoy it. It's not really my bag though. I hear there's daylight involved. *shiver*)
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