Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Drumroll please
Posted by Sam at 2:43 PM
Yes sir... here it is. This is the first official post. Numero uno. Sit back and get ready for something great. Well, not really. That's not what this blog is about. It's not about greatness. It's not about "my blog is better than your blog." It's about personal discovery. Ok, that sounds so lame. I'm so sorry. Unfortunately, that's where I'm going with this. I'd like a place where I can get some things out of my brain and into something tangible... like the internet... which isn't really tangible at all. And there you have it.
In all honesty, I've been in need of place were I can let some creative juices flow... where I can explore some thoughts and let them develop.
This blog, sambot.com, is an experiment. It will be interesting to see if I can actually pull it off. Typically, with past projects like this, I tend to go full throttle until I hit a snag. Then I abandon the whole endeavor. Not this time. At least, that is my hope.
The main objective here is to get myself to write... about whatever is on my mind. Just get it out. I might talk about some little piece of tech that has caught my interest, or I may write about the horrors of living in this world, or quite possibly, what I had for lunch. It's all good. As long as I'm writing.
I invite you, the reader, to make comments. Make as many as you'd like. Let me know if you've experienced something similar. Let me know if you think I'm a flaming moron. Just let me know.
One final thought. I've decided to make the layout for this blog simple, clean, and easy to read. As a designer, I had to physically restrain myself... with duct tape... and that wasn't easy. But, it was necessary. I had to prevent myself from making this blog more than it needed to be. "It's just a blog" I would tell myself. "It's not my portfolio. It's not a client's site. It's just a blog. Just a blog. My blog." (All this while rolling back and forth on the floor. The flesh around my makeshift duct tape restraints, red and swollen. Drool forming at the corner of my mouth... You should have been there. It was great. Maybe I'll post a photo.) Anyway, there's only so long that I can hold back the designer in me. Things will probably change (visually). Hopefully for the better. I'm sure stuff will move around. I'm sure there will be some formatting changes. But fear not, the content will all be there, fresh and exciting, for you and me to enjoy or loathe or whatever.
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