Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Not Again
Posted by Sam at 11:44 PM | tags: apple
So, I've been staring at this thing all night. And honestly, I just don't get it.
Yet even though it's becoming more and more likely that my skepticism is erroneously directed as more and more seemingly credible rumors surface, I still need to express the following: Really people, an iPhone!? It's not gonna happen.
Thank you. I feel much better now.
(Yep, I've been M.I.A. for over a week, the semester is done, and there's so much to share... but here I am, coming back to the blog with an iPhone post. I don't know how/why you put up with me.)
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Mmm... Drivel
Posted by Sam at 12:49 PM | tags: college
It's mind-boggling that even now, during finals week, I am still answering questions in the library like, "Umm... how do I take out a book?" IT'S THE END OF THE SEMESTER! You are just now trying to figure out how to take out a book!?
But anyway, yes, it is the end of the semester. Day two of finals week, to be precise. Two classes down, one to go! And as of this Saturday at 1 p.m., I'll be a free man! Free to blog (semi) regularly again. Free to post the kind of drivel that we've all come to expect around here. Oh, you know the kind: mindless.
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Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Well, I'll be...
Posted by Sam at 3:21 PM | tags: blogging
Remember the Review Me thing? I just got my $30 check in the mail today.
Well, I'll be... who would have thought that this would turn out to be a legitimate service?
(I'll be really sad when the check bounces)
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Saturday, December 02, 2006
Hibernation Station
Posted by Sam at 5:15 PM | tags: college, life
The end of the semester is officially upon us. And thus begins the sacred ritual of academic hibernation.
Every year (okay... so really just last year) I make the pilgrimage across campus to descend the twisted, torch-lit, stairs which lead to the catacombs of the Quinnipiac Law Library. There I join the other wrecked/studious souls who have found solace amidst the tomes of this dank underground dungeon. Living among the mole-people, I stay for about two weeks, until all of my final projects and papers and presentations are complete. And then, like a magnificent butterfly unfolding triumphantly from within a dull cocoon, I emerge... except my emergence is not very triumphant at all. And I'm far from magnificent. In fact, I'll pretty much be looking like a walking corpse.
But until then my dear readers, I bid you a fond farewell. May you be comforted by the following slideshow of my Thanksgiving backpacking adventure in Red River Gorge, that I am including in this post for two reasons:
Reason the first: Everyone, without exception, loves slideshows of vacation photography.
Reason the next: I really just wanted to try out this embedded flickr slideshow thingy (that I clumsily retrofitted to work here).
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