Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Mmm... Drivel
Posted by Sam at 12:49 PM | tags: college
It's mind-boggling that even now, during finals week, I am still answering questions in the library like, "Umm... how do I take out a book?" IT'S THE END OF THE SEMESTER! You are just now trying to figure out how to take out a book!?
But anyway, yes, it is the end of the semester. Day two of finals week, to be precise. Two classes down, one to go! And as of this Saturday at 1 p.m., I'll be a free man! Free to blog (semi) regularly again. Free to post the kind of drivel that we've all come to expect around here. Oh, you know the kind: mindless.
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...and free to take another unexpected road trip to visit bryan...
Comment By bryan on December 13, 2006 2:27 PM
