Friday, November 24, 2006
Black Friday and Orc Blood
Posted by Sam at 10:21 AM | tags: life, dark
Today is Black Friday, a day that revolves around the fine American tradition known as: consumerism. Personally, I'm a bit dissapointed in us as a culture. This day is called Black Friday! Come on people. Really. A name like that has so much potential. Black Friday could be about demonic undertakings or... oh, I don't know, Danzig (I'll bet you never saw that one coming, did you?.
Anyway, I'm still in Ohio. Tomorrow, I will be embarking on a backpacking excursion into the depths of the Red River Gorge. They call it that because the river flows red with blood... probably orc blood. Don't worry about me though. I've packed my elvin sword, just in case. Yep, it's right next to my twenty-sided die.
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