Thursday, October 26, 2006
Pat, Hillary, and Bootsy
Posted by Sam at 3:44 PM | tags: life, blogging
Today is a very special day in history. Let's see, according to the Wikipedia, October 26th is the birthday of Pat Sajak, Hillary Clinton, Bootsy Collins, and... WTF!? There is a glaring omission in that list of 10/26 birthdays. Lucky for me, this is the Wikipedia: an all encompassing online encyclopedia, for the people, by the people, where no knowledge, no matter how arcane or useless, is exempt! In fact, their main page even reads, "Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit." If you find an error in an entry, well, just log in and change it! It's the people's encyclopedia... no need to be an authority on a subject, just be a schmo with internet access and an opinion! And, being a schmo of similar classification, I'll just log in and correct this minor oversight. Gimme a sec...
[insert mind-numbing elevator muzak here]
"...that anyone can edit!?" Not likely. My edit of the October 26th page lasted just about .25 seconds. Screw you Wikipedia! I'm starting my own free encyclopedia... one that only I can edit. It will be the true source of all knowledge on the internet, because its authors will be reputable... a.k.a. they'll all be me! And my first entry will be the following:
October 26 Birthdays 2004 - sam bot dot com, the best thing that has ever happened on the internet
Ha! Take that, Wikipedia.
(Anyway, happy birthday sambot! I can't believe its only been 2 years. It feels like a lifetime.)
Comments: 2 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Happy Birthday, Keep bringing us the news of Sam's suffering to the end of time!
Comment By Blackwatch on October 27, 2006 12:21 PM

2 years of mindless drivel and infrequent updating.
God bless Sam.
Comment By Dr. Kennedy on October 27, 2006 1:08 PM
