Friday, October 13, 2006
The Living Bejesus
Posted by Sam at 1:54 PM | tags: life, dark
Children scare the living bejesus out of me. Why? Well, just look at them! They're like needy, disproportional, mini-adults... with missing teeth, leaking noses, and an underdeveloped intellect. Actually, they more closely resemble monkeys. The only difference is that, in a few million years, monkeys will have had the opportunity to evolve into a more highly sophisticated mammal, while children... well, they'll still be creepy and gross.
Yes, my logic is truly flawless! (and dizzying)
And so, on this very special Friday the Thirteenth, I'd like to pay homage to children and their overwhelming creepiness by looking at this phenomenal gallery of zombie youth devouring human flesh.
Oh... and a Happy Birthday Shout Out to Jason Voorhees! May this year bring you much blood, carnage, and skinny-dipping teenagers.
Comments: 2 | Post a Comment | Permalink

sam...of course 50's kids are scary. who do you think all the demons are in office right now...that's their generation!
Comment By bryan on October 13, 2006 6:58 PM

be nice! I am sure you wont be afraid of my kid.
Comment By on October 17, 2006 3:43 PM
