Thursday, October 05, 2006
Is that a Dongle in Your Pocket or are You Just...
Posted by Sam at 10:07 PM | tags: life
Part 1 of 2 of sam bot dot com's October 5th, What's-on-my-mind?-Not-a-whole-hell-of-a-lot series (part 2?)
Look, some people are just averse to certain words. It's a fact of humanity and a sad, but undeniable truth. I know a girl (oh, you know who you are) who cringes at the mere mention of the word "lotion." She hates it. It makes her react violently (and I've felt the full brunt of that violence). "Ointment" too. And the word "paste," I think. Actually, anything that is likely to be distributed in tube form. It's bizarre, but it's the truth. And it's okay. Because today, I discovered, to my great annoyance, that I too have an extreme aversion to a word. Blech! It makes me nauseous just thinking about it. But I guess if I expect this post to go anywhere, I'm going to have to write it down. Ugh. Ready? Here it comes:
Icky! Gross! Puke! Geez... that's a disgusting word. I hate it! Let's never speak of it again. Think happy thoughts... coffee, donuts, beer, a new MacBook... Okay. Better.
Comments: 2 | Post a Comment | Permalink

I hate the word "panties". Cringe.
Comment By on October 06, 2006 12:42 PM

Yeah... good call on the "panties" thing. I just remembered how much I hate the word "phlegm." Gross! I hate the way it's spelled, I hate the way it looks, I hate everything about it.
I'm not sure why "panties" reminded me of "phlegm," but it's likely to explain a lot about me... so let's not think about it.
Comment By Sam on October 06, 2006 12:56 PM
