Monday, September 11, 2006
Giant Mechanized Battle Arms (Part II)
Posted by Sam at 3:55 PM | tags: design, coffee
Time to change things up a bit. Let's stray from the usual coffee-fueled, Mac speculatory snob fest, and embark down a path seldom traveled on this blog: Design. There's a whole sambot tagegory (Oh! New term! It's mine. I call rights to the term "tagegory." I coined it! I'm number one! I'm number one!) devoted to it, yet only two posts have been tagged with it. Well hot damn! It's time for post number three.
Sprite's new SubLYMONal Obey ad campaign sucks big time. The whole point of advertising is to make the consumer want to consume without blatantly requesting that they consume... to subliminally suggest that they consume. Spite is using this tactic in an outright defiance of a tried and true standard: Subliminal Advertising. And is it working? Hell no! I don't want Sprite any more than I want giant mechanized battle arms grafted on in place of my scrawny, flesh-covered, upper appendages... battle arms equipped with lasers and grappling hooks... battle arms capable of crushing bone with ViseGrip-like strength...
Fine. Regardless of how much I really really really want giant mechanized battle arms, I don't want Sprite, I hate their logo redesign, and I will absolutely not "Obey."
Thank you for letting me get that out. Phew! I'm thirsty. To Starbucks! Starbucks... now there's a company I'll blindly obey...
(What sparked this anti-Sprite tirade, anyway? Well, I'm glad you asked. This morning, I happened to be driving behind a Sprite truck on the way home from the laundromat... umm... I guess that's it. It seemed more of a profoundly life-changing event at the time.)
Comments: 1 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Laundromat....wait a minute you have to go to the Laundromat????
Actually I used to really enjoy Sprite but I can't stand it now I really think that they changed the fomula or something because when you open a Sprite now it tastes like two day old Sprite.
Comment By TheDarkLordDerfla on September 12, 2006 7:15 AM
