Thursday, September 07, 2006
Posted by Sam at 5:41 PM | tags: apple
Let the Macintosh bloggery flow! It's been too long...
The twelfth of... wait a minute. Twelfth? Is that right? It looks wrong. In fact, I don't think that I've ever actually spelt out the word "twelfth" before. Wait a minute... spelt? Is that a word? Spelled? Umm... let's start this post over:
The 12th of September is likely to be a very special day for Apple's legion of devoted, white-plastic-lovin', obeying-Steve-Jobs'-every-hint-of-a-command, fans. According to trustworthy sources (i.e. The internet), next Tuesday will bring an announcement of epic proportions... or epic disappointments. Either way, it's bound to be epic.
And with the announcement of a scheduled announcement comes, of course, the onslaught of rumor, speculation, and general Mac-fueled excitement. On the rumor table we can find the all of the usual suspects: iPhone, iTunes Movie Store, Widescreen Video iPod... it's all the same stuff. No surprises, right? I'm not so sure.
Let's take this one step at a time. A couple of days ago, Apple quietly released a 24" iMac... Apple's prosumer Mac. It's a pretty impressive machine, yet it slipped by with nary a whisper. So, if something like that gets no coverage, then this Tuesday's announcement is gonna be hot! Conversely, I've just read that the Steve is not going to be giving the announcement. The Steve likes to promote the big stuff personally. A small announcement then? Not quite. MacNN is reporting that Apple filled a patent for a multifunction handheld. iPhone? I'm growing tired of saying it, and it's becoming more and more likely that I'm going to be proven wrong, but Apple is not making a cell phone. A PDA-like device? Oh god... that would be a dream come true. So, clearly that's not going to happen. Then what the hell is it gonna be!? Movie Store. My money is on an iTunes Movie Store.
And only time will tell.
Comments: 4 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Did I tell you I got a MacBook! I'm broke now, but so in love!!
Comment By w-w on September 08, 2006 8:11 AM

My guess and the heresay around the interenet is a new cube.
The cube is dead, long live the cube!
Comment By Blackwatch on September 11, 2006 10:47 AM

you're so smart! i am amazed!
Comment By w-w on September 12, 2006 11:23 PM

So what was this news??? People everywhere are curious....
Comment By dcbouchotte on December 13, 2006 11:48 AM
