Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Hey Sam, How Are You Feeling?
Posted by Sam at 1:55 PM | tags: life
Well, let me tell you: My nose is encrusted with those crusty crustules of dry, raw skin that form from the excessive blowing of one's nose (despite the addition of Puffs Plus to the flu fighting arsenal). My body aches, and my eyes won't focus. My voice is all but gone, and I've switched fully over to tea instead of coffee (how am I expected to be productive without coffee?). There's piles of used tissues surrounding me... a wall of ill-health keeping the sickness in. I am constantly dehydrated. And the mucous... oh the free-flowing gallons of greenish goo... I'll spare you of that one.
But, I am feeling better than yesterday. And I suppose I'll feel a bit better tomorrow. And perhaps a bit better the following day. And, with some luck, I'll be at 100% awesomeness for the weekend.
In the mean time, however, feel free to share in my misery. In fact, let's all enjoy this sickness together (after all, sharing is caring). Let's revel in the gross noises, the gross fluids, and the all-encompassing grossiosity that is this flu. Let my grossness be your grossness. It's a celebration of disgust. And a gift from me to you.
Aren't you glad that you asked?
Comments: 2 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Damn... I was hoping that you had caught the Plauge...I was watching a show on it last night and I had a few questions for you regarding what those buboes things are like.
Oh well...maybe next time.
Comment By TheDarkLordDerfla on April 04, 2006 3:33 PM

Even though you don't sound like you are feeling good, I'm glad that you are feeling better. Keep on with the tea and soy-chicken noodle soup (yeah, that) and you'll be up and on your cross-country trek in no time!
Comment By Blackwatch on April 05, 2006 9:02 AM
