Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Really Gross Noises
Posted by Sam at 11:05 AM

Being sick undeniably blows ass. There are a few perks however:

1) You get to make really gross noises
2) You hallucinate (at least I do)
3) Sympathy
4) You get to make really gross noises (did I mention that already?)

Anyway, I think the worst of it is behind me. But fear not, the gross noises will prevail... regardless of my health!

Oh... and I was forced to miss the Pixies show last night. The Pixies. The fucking Pixies. In their goddamn home town. Fuck!

Comments: 2 | Post a Comment | Permalink

How could you fail to mention the booties?!

Those were definitely the highlight of your sickness for me.

s 2.0

Comment By Anonymous on December 01, 2004 2:01 PM

booties? I think that requires more story...or a pic...or a memory wipe.

sorry you missed the show, what with being mentally ill and all. i hope the time spent at Arkam Asylum will help you out. i just hope you don't hallucinate that you are at work. that'd be bad.

Comment By Blackwatch on December 03, 2004 11:33 AM

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