Wednesday, January 03, 2007
When I Turn 30...
Posted by Sam at 11:53 AM | tags: apple
When I turn 30 (which is approaching at an uncomfortably quick pace), I am going to put a giant banner on sam bot dot com that reads: The first 30 years were just the beginning. Welcome to 2008. And then I'm going to cry... because I'll be 30.
Yesterday, Apple did the same on their home page. Theirs, of course, read 2007 instead of 2008 (which is when I'll be turning 30. Yep, in May actually. Save your condolences till then, please). But what, pray tell, is going to be so special about 2007? An iPhone? The iTv? Something without an i prefix? Really Apple, the iStuff is getting a bit played out.
But, I did just read that next Tuesday's MacWorld SF Keynote is slated to be a whopping two hours as opposed to the usual and, if I may be so bold as to say, measly one hour. That's impressive. With two hours of presentation time, the Steve is bound to dazzle us all with new toys, software, and black turtlenecks.
I'll be glued to my live feed. Will you? (No, you probably won't. You probably have what we in the Macosphere call "a life." And I hope you enjoy it. It's not really my bag though. I hear there's daylight involved. *shiver*)
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A comment like the one at the end of your post makes subscribing to your blog worthwhile.
Comment By on January 05, 2007 11:37 AM
