Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Linkage. Sausage or Chain... You Decide
Posted by Sam at 6:31 PM
Just some linkage that I'd like to share:
1) The Otis, by Swobo Bikes. I'm going to call it the world's most perfect city bike. What sets this bike above some of the others in the urban cycling genre is, in order of least to most important: front disc brake, a 3-speed internal hub, matt black styling, and finally and most importantly, there is a bottle opener embedded in the bottom of the saddle! Yes, a bottle opener. See... perfect. (What is questionable about the Otis, is the inclusion of a coaster brake. Huh? Yeah, I don't get that one either. It would seem, however, that one should be able to simply spin off the fixed cog and replace it with a freewheel. But don't quote me on that.)
2) And the second link... darn... what was the second one? Well, I guess this will have to do. All you need to know is blood is truth. Many, many good things for your aural amusement. Enjoy.
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I'm Not Sorry
Posted by Sam at 1:27 PM
I enjoyed FREE COFFEE (yes, FREE COFFEE is deserving of all caps) this morning, just for driving my car to school. Encouragement for being lazy. Ha! In your face, beautiful spring-time weather!
Hmm... this blog is quickly transforming into a where to get FREE COFFEE blog. I can't honestly say that it's entirely unexpected though... considering my fondness for all that is free and all that is coffee.
I do, however, feel compelled to apologize for the lack of warning. Though, in all truthfulness, I'm not repentant... in any way whatsoever. But having said that, here's a hollow apology: Sorry, jerks.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
And the Founder of Quinnipiac University is...
Posted by Sam at 5:42 PM
Right... so I don't want to jinx it, but as of right now (actually, as of February 26, 2007), I am, according to the all-knowing brain-in-a-jar that is Wikipedia, the founder of Quinnipiac University.
Yep. It's right there in the History section, second sentence in. It reads, "Quinnipiac University is a private, coeducational, nonsectarian institution of higher education. Originally known as the Connecticut College of Commerce, it was founded in 1929 by Samuel H. Cohen as a small business college..."
1929. Damn. I'm looking pretty good despite being almost 80!
I guess I should update my resume to reflect my former position as University Founder. Unfortunately, I will be unable to provide references... because they're all probably dead.
I don't know who made the actual edit (I do have my suspicions, though). But anyway, I have to go now. I'm off to the bursar's office. Being the founder, I assume that I'm entitled to a tuition reimbursement... or at the very least, a free bobble-head.
(What makes this inaccuracy all the more ironic, is that last semester I wrote a paper commending the Wikipedia community for its accuracy... promoting the notion that, by the collaborative authoring of worldly knowledge, accuracy will prevail! Clearly, I was wrong. But I'm not giving back my A. Oh... and just in case Wikipedia ever catches up with itself, and reverts to a previous iteration, here is a .pdf of the Quinnipiac University Wikipedia entry as it exists today.)
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Umm... More Free (as in Beer) Coffee
Posted by Sam at 4:02 PM
Tomorrow. All day long. FREE ICED COFFEE. This time, from Dunkin' Donuts.
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Posted by Sam at 3:26 PM
If sambot was a car, this would be firmly attached to its bumper.
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
If It's for Free, It's for Me!
Posted by Sam at 9:07 AM
Just a friendly reminder... today, at Starbucks, from 10 to noon, FREE COFFEE.
That is all.
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Monday, March 12, 2007
Prepare Yourself
Posted by Sam at 2:12 PM
Okay graduate thesis, prepare to get written. Prepare to get written like you've never been writ before... which you never have... so, there shouldn't be much of a problem.
Anyway, it's spring break. And while my peers are living it up someplace sunny, I'll be spending my free time, once again, in the catacombs of the Law Library. I've got coffee, my PowerBook, and a miserably depressing corner of this dungeon all to myself. The conditions for thesis writing are perfect. And I do believe that this post counts as the requisite procrastination. So as soon as I post, I'll be on my way... to graduate superiority. Yep, just as soon as I finish this post. This one right here. That I'm writing right now. Once I'm done with it, I'll start writing. Here I go. Three. Two. One. Go! Ready? Now! How 'bout... now! Or maybe...
..... .... ... .. . . . . . .
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
Free (as in Beer) Coffee
Posted by Sam at 12:34 PM
Ladies, Gentlemen, mark this in your iCal: On March 15th, 10 to noon, Starbucks will be giving a FREE TALL COFFEE to those who can muster the courage to ask. Honestly though, a tall coffee (12 oz.) isn't really all that impressive... and hardly worth getting out of bed for... but considering the density of Starbucks in any given city, you'll probably be able to hit up a dozen or so in that two hour span.
My children, go forth and be caffeinated.
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Friday, March 02, 2007
March Madness is Upon Us
Posted by Sam at 2:35 PM
During my two-minute car commute to campus today, NPR cheerfully informed me that "March Madness is upon us." Before I realized the disappointing truth... that March Madness is, in actuality, some kind of lame college sports thing... I, of course, jumped to the most probable of conclusions: March Madness (or is it March of Madness?) is obviously the result of a worldwide zombie epidemic.
The zombie seed has been sown and the inevitable madness has begun. Hide your canned brains.
Unfortunately, this March Madness sham is... well, a sham. A cunning ruse. A clever ploy to make college sports seem, somehow, more significant. And it seems that, somehow, it worked.
I don't know. I guess I'll never understand the fervency dedicated to the spectation of sports. And consequently, I'll never understand why "spectation" isn't a word. It sounds like a word, doesn't it? Try it out: spectation. See... it sounds perfectly cromulent.
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