Friday, March 02, 2007
March Madness is Upon Us
Posted by Sam at 2:35 PM
During my two-minute car commute to campus today, NPR cheerfully informed me that "March Madness is upon us." Before I realized the disappointing truth... that March Madness is, in actuality, some kind of lame college sports thing... I, of course, jumped to the most probable of conclusions: March Madness (or is it March of Madness?) is obviously the result of a worldwide zombie epidemic.
The zombie seed has been sown and the inevitable madness has begun. Hide your canned brains.
Unfortunately, this March Madness sham is... well, a sham. A cunning ruse. A clever ploy to make college sports seem, somehow, more significant. And it seems that, somehow, it worked.
I don't know. I guess I'll never understand the fervency dedicated to the spectation of sports. And consequently, I'll never understand why "spectation" isn't a word. It sounds like a word, doesn't it? Try it out: spectation. See... it sounds perfectly cromulent.
Comments: 3 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Can you not see how right you are? People become...zombies...for these sporting events. It's just a zombie takeover shamming as "good fun".
Get your gear ready, my friend. For the madness is upon us, truly.
Comment By Blackwatch on March 05, 2007 8:26 AM

Also: Go, Ohio State!
Comment By Blackwatch on March 05, 2007 9:07 AM

i hate sports too. you are so funny!
Comment By Monica on March 05, 2007 11:38 AM
