Monday, April 16, 2007
Get on Your Blogs and Ride!
Posted by Sam at 4:35 PM
Something weird is going on with Blogger and/or Blogspot and/or Bloglines: the blogs of some of my peeps that have not updated their blogs in a very long time, are spontaneously showing up as unread in my feed reader. Which is weird, but also kinda nice. It's like an unexpected dose of nostalgia... a reminder of a simpler time... a time when bloggers may still have referred to their craft as weblogging. Weblogging!? Ha! Those truly were foolish times.
And so, the following is a plea... no, let's make it a petition (to be signed in the comments section of this post). It's a call to all of my pals who once proudly donned the titled "blogger" but have since fallen, hard, from the top deck of the blogwagon. (And this points especially pointedly at The Dark Lord Derfla, whose blog, From the Depths of the Tepid Inferno, demonstrates a mastery of hand drawn, Sharpie and Post-It note illustrations which showcase the hilarious exploits (often featuring yours truly) of the trials and tribulations of The Dark Lord's daily routine.)
And so, from one who knows the pain of time spent away from the blog, I reach an outstretched hand from the driver's seat of the blogwagon to those unfortunate bloggers who have fallen to the cold, wet, and just miserable on all accounts, ground. Come'on back. We'll party like it's 2004.
The Petition:
The internet is a cold, wet, and just miserable on all accounts, place without the blogs we once loved. Therefore, we, the undersigned, hereby invite those who may have fallen, to get back on their blogs and ride (ummm... sing that last part in the tune of Fat Bottom Girls by Queen... you know, that part where Freddie Mercury shouts, "Get on your bikes and ride!" for no particular reason whatsoever. God... I love that song).
(sign petition by leaving a comment)
Comments: 5 | Post a Comment | Permalink

1) Samuel H. Cohen
Comment By Sam on April 16, 2007 4:44 PM

2) Sarah A. L.
Comment By Sarah on April 16, 2007 9:54 PM

The Dark Lord Derfla
Comment By TheDarkLordDerfla on April 17, 2007 7:51 AM

After a year in the nether world, I hereby beg the universe to reincarnate my woefully unupdated blog. Rise, my zombie html, and feast on the flesh of this "Web 2.0" generation of internet upstarts.
Comment By Micah on April 17, 2007 11:02 AM

Good work on your petition.
Just wanted to congratulate you on the Queen reference. Remember, there can be only one.
Comment By Blackwatch on April 20, 2007 11:16 AM
