Thursday, June 02, 2005
Posted by Sam at 9:08 AM
The following is a series of Haiku depicting the swirling torrent of emotions and events that are currently swirling like torrents through and around my skull. Enjoy.
Micah left last night. Why Micah, why? Don't leave us! South America!
I can't believe it. Am I really moving out? This just isn't right.
To Wallingford, ho! A new town, new apartment. Why so far away?
Who are these people, In my bedroom, in my house? New peeps, go away!
Two days left of work. I can almost taste freedom. It tastes like donuts.
Ashley and Sarah, I will be back, I promise. Keep couch warm for me.
More to come as inspiration strikes... I love expressing myself in Haiku. It makes the horrors of life much less horrifying. And much more cheesy.
Oh... comments to this post must be left in Haiku form. Or else. (now, it's a challenge)
Comments: 5 | Post a Comment | Permalink

master of footwear sam bot dot com nee nerd bot come visit brooklyn
Comment By Dr. Kennedy on June 02, 2005 4:40 PM

a haiku challenge? digits tapping syllables out, suffering is yours.
Comment By manuel noriega on June 03, 2005 12:32 AM

My friend from Mestek Who helped me to avoid work Now what can I do?
You lived in NOHO And helped Western Mass not suck Why th3 g00d p33ps leave?
To Sam's housemates now If I never see you hence Y'all were great to meet.
I have now wasted All my creativity On stupid haiku.
Comment By Blackwatch on June 03, 2005 8:21 AM

There once was a man named Samuel. Who read lots'o technical manuals. To Wallingford he moved, there he worshipped good food. And gave his life to the Evangelical.
That is a Haiku right?
Comment By TheDarkLordDerfla on June 03, 2005 3:07 PM

A song reminds me Is Patience by GNR Why did you play that?
Work is already Sad, quiet, boring and dumb Never quite the same
So long D & D I will never stray that way Unless you come back
I adore haiku It makes work go sillier Bright smiles for all.
Sorry to those that arent fans...
Bye sam : (
Hope to see you sooner than later
Comment By Amber on June 06, 2005 1:53 PM
