Thursday, May 26, 2005
I'll Send a Postcard
Posted by Sam at 3:04 PM
Right... so as you may or may not have noticed, blogging has taken a back seat to the rest of my life (maybe I should look into autoblogger?). Anyway, the reason behind my mysterious absence from the blog scene is simply because I don't love you anymore. Well, I love you, I'm just not in love with you. I mean, we've had some good times, but I think we've grown apart. Maybe we just need some time off...
Oh wait... that's a spiel for a whole different situation.
The real reason for my absence is that I'm moving (it's weird that I haven't posted about this yet). I've got a ton of things to take care of, loose ends to tie up, people to have knocked off, etc...
I'm moving from a super-cool, trendy, liberal, tiny city in Western Massachusetts to a less cool, trendy (if you think antiquing is trendy), politically undecided, microscopic town, in Southern Connecticut. Northampton to Wallingford. It will be quite an adjustment.
The truth is, I am very excited for this next step in my life. Wallingford should be a great place. I won't bore you/me with the details, but we've got a nice cemetery, a book store, a coffee shop, and a goth bar that might have gone out of business... and New Haven (home of Yale University) is right next door. That will be a fun city to explore. Or get mugged. Either way, it will make for a good blog entry.
Comments: 2 | Post a Comment | Permalink

How can you get mugged? Your shoes will protect you, cuz, well, they may think you are insane. Also, mebbe they help you run quickly away? Run like the wind, Sam!
Wallingford...antiquing. Doesn't sound like a big draw to our generation, to me.
Now, I think it's great your movin' on to the next stage. Getting a masters, etc., will be a big boon to you. I bet you'll enjoy life down there in a small, not trendy, kinda town. And, at the end of this stage, you will always have Mestek to fall back on.
I'm sure they will greet you with open arms, understanding that now, for the same wage, they can have a fellah with even more education and life learning. Expand your mind, not your wallet!
I'm sure I'll miss your presence up in this area. Good luck with the whole "movin'" scenario. I'm sure you know I'm here if you need help.
"Put the boxes there, don't do that, this chair isn't comfy enough to dictate from, I need more lemonade, where's my sammich?, get back to work!"
Comment By Blackwatch on May 27, 2005 9:11 AM

just to let everyone know, connecticut is where all the cool kids live. no touching, no stopping for pedestrians, no talking to strangers and one of the largest disparties between wealth and poverty; who doesnt want to live in connecticut?
Comment By manuel noriega on May 30, 2005 1:19 AM
