Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Organic Good! Genetically Modified Bad.
Posted by Sam at 4:23 PM
With the premier of episode III just around the corner, I found this Star Wars take-off to be exceptionally well timed, and very well done. Grocery Store Wars a live-action / stop-action / vegetable-puppet short film pits a young Cuke Skywalker (accompanied by Obi-wan Cannoli, Chewbroccoli, Tofu D-2, etc...) against the evil Darth Tater.
Without getting too involved, Grocery Store Wars basically concerns the merits of organic farming versus genetically modified fruits and veggies.
Very well done, funny, strong positive message... go watch it!
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Darth Tader??? Chewbroccoli? Sam this is ridiculous..but funny noe the less. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Comment By TheDarkLordDerfla on May 12, 2005 10:34 PM
