Friday, April 29, 2005
Just Call Me "Muffin Lung"
Posted by Sam at 8:32 AM
I just inhaled a coffee cake muffin like it was a can of Perri-Air. Not really. I'm sure that I ate it. I remember swallowing, but I definitely don't remember chewing. I'm too excited to chew.
Unless you live in dimly lit cave, you'll know that today brings Tiger. And with it comes enlightenment. I'm gonna install so many widgets and automate so much stuff and find everything with spotlight and read feeds with safari and probably break some stuff... which is a nice segue into my next point. Back up before you install!
Ok... more later. Right now I have to finish coughing up the bits of muffin that found their way into my lungs.
Comments: 3 | Post a Comment | Permalink

"Unless you live in dimly lit cave"
Or are a windows user, which is much the same thing. ~:^)>
Comment By Micah MacAllen on April 29, 2005 9:29 AM

Micah, don't be a stinker; you are talking about one of your dear housemates afterall.
Comment By on April 29, 2005 10:51 AM

There is nothing criminally wrong with using XP (other Windows releases involve such words as "gross neglingence" and "excessive violence"). However, even as one, I feel that osX is "less wrong" than XP. Ya dig?
So. Yeah. Back to my innovationless, security-hole-full, computing experience!
Comment By Blackwatch on April 29, 2005 11:02 AM
