Friday, May 27, 2005
Swapping Addictions
Posted by Sam at 2:24 PM
This week has been especially tough. Aside from the moving, packing, and complaining that I've been enthusiastically partaking in, there's also the personal challenge that I've been struggling through. Ready for this? I have deleted beer, candy/junk food, and (gasp) coffee from my diet... temporarily anyway. My body has just been unhappy lately. I felt it was time for a reset.
Omitting the beer was no problem. The candy? That was a little tricky, but manageable. But the coffee... oh, the coffee... the smooth, rich, luscious, caffeinated awesomeness that is coffee... that was one motherfucker of an addiction. The physical part wasn't too bad. It was the mental part that was really difficult. Sitting down at work without my morning cup-o-joe was weird, and wrong. The feeling is akin to leaving the house for the day without underwear... externally everything is okay. Internally however, things just feel wrong. I can't concentrate, I'm itchy, it's drafty, etc...
I have always believed in balance though. Removing one addiction simply leaves room to replace it with another, and thus, balance is restored. So, in the wake of my coffee removal, I have successfully supplanted it with another, more powerful addiction: The Odwalla Fruit Smoothie.
These things are like fruit salad flavored, liquid crack. And while it seems like Odwalla would be a great alternative to coffee, I'm not so sure. I mean, I am totally physically and mentally addicted to these bad boys already. And I've been on the sauce for less than a week! I'm up to three 15.2 fluid ounce containers a day. That's 45.6 fluid ounces (I pee a lot more now too). And near me, these mofos go for about $3.00 each (and I've seen 'em for even more). So that's a $9.00 replacement addiction compared to the $3.30 ($1.65 per coffee, twice a day) former addiction. I don't know about this.
I'm trying to do the right thing for my body. I am. Really. But my finances and my bladder are wholly displeased with this new adjustment.
I'm sure I'll work through this. Right now however, it's time for daily Odwalla number two. What do you think, Mango Tango or Strawberry C Monster?
Comments: 1 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Smoothies are for a man pour yourself some coffee!!! I'm having a cup right now...mmm its so rich and full of flavor.
Comment By TheDarkLordDerfla on May 27, 2005 4:40 PM
