Friday, December 31, 2004
Last Post of 2004
Posted by Sam at 8:17 PM
Check it out. Fireworks (excuse the crappy fone-cam photo). Right outside of my apartment. My housemate, Sarah, summed it all up earlier when she said, "We definitely don't pay enough to live here." She's right. This pad rocks. Right in downtown Noho. It's dirt cheap too.
Anyway, I need to nap before the festivities begin. Happy New Year to all!
Wait... It just occurred to me that this is most probably going to be my last post of 2004. Crud. I need to write something more profound than this. Ok... I got it: Do you ever like, feel that this world is only like, a computer simulation and we're all like totally plugged into it? And like, the real world is like, controlled by robots... that like, farm our life essence to fuel their world? It's like we're all part of some kind of like, matrix or something...
Comments: 2 | Post a Comment | Permalink

a matrix indeed... in which I run into Sam in the middle of the road at 11:59pm on dec. 31st and he looks at me like I'm some weird ghost or something... because he's listening to a phone message from me and simply cannot grasp the dual reality of the digital voice katharine and the physical form katharine... deep, dude. deep.
Comment By kjwaggon on January 02, 2005 5:26 PM

we all know we are just merely biding our time before the impending robot holocaust.
skynet goes online soon.
how was your new years?
come to my going away party. january 23rd. bring your roommates. i'll have heat this time.
i promise.
happy new year!
Comment By Dr. Kennedy on January 02, 2005 10:39 PM
