Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I'm 26 and I've Accomplished Nothing
Posted by Sam at 11:00 AM

This 26 year old steelworker is in the process of fabricating a giant mechanical robot that a human will be able to operate with typical everyday movement:

"When completed, the idea is for the pilot to be able to strap himself into a central, padded compartment, and then control the mecha with the motions of his own body. When the pilot walks, the mecha walks. Raise an arm and open a hand, and the mecha does the same, with 46 possible movements planned."

Holy crap. I'm the same age as this guy and I haven't built a giant robot yet. What is my problem? I'm such a huge slacker!

This dude is constructing this feat of awesomeness in his own backward! For now, I'll make myself feel better by using that as an excuse. He's got a backyard. I don't. I mean, if I had a backyard, I'd probably have built all sorts of cool stuff by now. Damn this apartment living lifestyle!

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Sam is an amazing and humble guy. Once, he rushed into a burning building, up six flights of stairs to save a kitten from certain death. He speaks eight languages, has mastered three varieties of martial arts, is a wine expert, and is a pulitzer prize winning author. Sam is an international heart-throb who prefers a quiet evening at home knitting afghans for the homeless, to the go-go, glitz and glamor of the party scene. I think the day he won the silver medal for ballroom dancing at the 98 olympics was the happiest of his life. Pretty impressive for a guy who never finished the 8th grade. - Carrie, 04
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