Friday, August 05, 2005
Yes, Another Post About the Shoes
Posted by Sam at 10:32 PM
Watching a motorcyclist interact with other motorcyclists is an odd phenomenon. Without even knowing one another, they share an instant kinship with their fellow bikers... regardless of whether they are riding a Fatboy, a crotch rocket, or a moped... well, maybe not a moped. When they pass each other on street they give the I'm too cool for a car wave. It's like they know something that we don't. It's as if they belong to an exclusive club, where the entrance fee is simply motorcycle ownership.
I've never belonged to the exclusive motorcycle club. Come to think of it, I've never belonged to any club... let alone an exclusive one. Until now, that is.
Recently, I've found myself exchanging nods of recognition with other owners of the now legendary sandals. Yep... owners of the Keen Newport H2 tend to react to each other in the same way that motorcyclists do. We Nod. We Wave. We smile. We comment: "How you like those Keens?" or "Looking good in those Keens!" We know something that the general populous of inferior sandal wearing chumps just wouldn't understand. It's exclusive, a little bit elitist, totally nerdy, yet somehow, enormously satisfying.
Comments: 2 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Thank you, Sam. Once again you have managed to make my day with your post. though i'm still pissed none of you get off your ass to visit. but that's just how i'm feeling. how do you feel about the keen's!?
Comment By bryan on August 06, 2005 2:54 PM

do you do this simply to torment me? i have been so good about the fucking shoes, so very good... and still you taunt me. the altima club was lame, but oooooh!!! the ugly, rediculous sandal club is worth sharing with the world? yep. i see how it is.
Comment By manuel noriega on August 08, 2005 1:08 AM
