Saturday, July 30, 2005

"Unity, Evolution's Gonna Come"
Posted by Sam at 3:01 PM

Well, it happened again. I've fallen in love with a woman who serves me coffee. This particular vixen of caffeinated beauty, sports a timeless Operation Ivy tattoo. To her, it's an image that signifies unity. To me however, it signifies punk rock awesomeness.

Anyway, in a very Sam-typical attempt at flirting, I asked about the tattoo. She told me just what I told you. I smiled (or made my best attempt anyway) and took my coffee to a table, where I sat with my back facing the counter.

Woe is me.

Maybe college will offer a graduate class in Advanced Flirting. Who am I kidding? Flirting 101 would be way more appropriate.

Comments: 5 | Post a Comment | Permalink

i think Carrie and i attempted flirting 101 with you at a they might be giants show...

Comment By Anonymous on July 30, 2005 9:45 PM

are you going to end up having coffee there every morning just so you can get that wrenching anxiety in your gut, and then keep avoiding the questions you really want to know because the answer really might be what you want!?!?!

Comment By bryan on August 01, 2005 7:46 PM

nice dude operation ivy is the shit i lvoe punk rocka dn operation ivy is fucking awsome i want an op ivy tatoo whneve ri get older

Comment By Daniel on March 08, 2006 7:03 PM

Dude, I know that girl. It the OP Ivy tat on her ankle?

Comment By Anonymous on October 19, 2006 12:13 AM

Enjoyed a lot!
» »

Comment By Anonymous on November 28, 2006 4:29 PM

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