Monday, August 01, 2005
Today, I Find Myself $8,820 Poorer
Posted by Sam at 11:36 PM
This morning, I registered my courses for the upcoming term. One semester's worth of classes costs a grand total of $8,820.
Ok, it is now time to check in on the ol' google AdSense. Now, I'm no fancy-shmancy scientician, but if I've done the math correctly, google's AdSense has made me rich beyond my wildest dreams. We'll see how much grad school actually costs after I deduct the gobs of cash that I made with advertising. Ready?
For the month of July 2005, I made a whopping $11.40.
Let's see...
8820.00 - 11.40 $8808.60
So, in short, I'm screwed (literally). If you need me, I'll be out on the street corner... selling my body for tuition.
Really though, who am I to put a price on a quality education?
Comments: 2 | Post a Comment | Permalink

I'll give you $50 to come clean our basement... but the deal is you've gotta wear a little number one mom apron and come upstairs periodically to reenact J-Lo's scenes in "Made in Manhattan". But really, don't starve or die --please ask for help, if you need some.
Comment By on August 02, 2005 7:41 AM

Sam, You don't need to sell your body to make a buck. Just cank out a few more pull-ups every morning and beat up old ladies as you ride to school. Not only will you make some extra bucks but you will also squeeze in a little cardio-work out as well. Its just better for everyone involved...except for the old ladies I guess.
Comment By TheDarkLordDerfla on August 02, 2005 8:38 AM
