Friday, June 24, 2005
New Haven: The Continuing Saga
Posted by Sam at 11:51 PM
I found myself wandering around New Haven today... yes, again (this time however, I managed to suppress my inner trespasser). I went with an agenda, and time was short. Nevertheless, I found more cool stuff. This city (dare I say, "my new stomping grounds?") continues to impress.
Apparently, on the last Friday of every month, there's a gigantic critical mass (sponsored by The Devil's Gear). Too bad Project Streetfighter Single Speed isn't complete yet. She'll be ready in the next few days. More on that later...
Also, down on the city green, there seems to be a permanent stage area for daily live music. I really don't know what it's all about, but every time I've been in New Haven there's a live and free show. Nice!
Speaking of shows, Thurday, June 30, Toad's Place is hosting the LOCAL METAL SHOWCASE! I wonder how the New Haven metal scene fares against that of Western Mass (couldn't be any worse)? And, July 7 at Toad's, Digable Planets. I had no idea those guys were still alive, let alone still a band. Anyway, I'll be at both shows. And the critical mass. You should go. Come find me and say, "hi." How will you know who I am? I'll be the guy wearing the mesh shirt and speedo... and consequently, there'll be a large radius of empty space encircling my person where no one dares to enter.
(I'm pretty sure that I just lost about half of my regular readers... as for the other half? Well, they're probably telling their friends right now. reader attendance will quadruple by morning. I love the internet.)
Comments: 1 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Come on Sam, you know you're just an undercover cop going to those metal shows.
Comment By Jayman on June 29, 2005 11:55 AM
