Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Today's Rant
Posted by Sam at 9:50 AM
I'm tired of sitting. All I do, all day long, is sit.
One of the many freelance projects that I worked on in Berkeley, had an amazingly efficient and comfortable workspace. The studio area that I worked in was truly a breath of fresh air. The outer wall of the space was lined with a huge desk surface that wrapped around most of the wall. It allowed for a massive surface area on which projects could be spread out. The most impressive part however, was that the wall desk rose to about four to five feet high. The surface of the the desk was slightly lower than chest level (and as I recall, the desk surface was fastened to the wall in such a way that its height could be adjusted to plus/minus six inches or so). The chairs that accompanied the wall desks, where these awesome adjustable, rolling, comfy stool chairs. You could work sitting down... or you could stand and let your legs stretch out. Surprisingly, that small feature was hugely conducive to productivity. It kept me awake... kept the blood flowing and my brain active.
I would love to employ that type of workspace environment here... I'm afraid however, that that kind of forward thinking would clash with the beige walls.
Comments: 3 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Sam, as someone who also spends most of thier day sitting down at work I agree that the run of the mill office environment is ghastly. After spending three years at the same desk my arms and shoulders kill by the end of the day. However I never had any arm or shoulder problems at CVS, probably because I spent the whole day typing while standing.
Comment By TheDarkLordDerfla on March 09, 2005 12:10 PM

when i worked in at chair job (come on sam, i know youve got something for that) i would find myself standing at my desk without realizing it. it would make everyone uncomfortable and that was great.
Comment By manuel noriega on March 10, 2005 11:51 AM

Chair job? There is a certain level of integrity that we like to keep here at I mean, after all, this is the internet. So, no, I don't got something for that...
Damn it! Fine you win: A chair job? Well, if you're offering...
I hate you. (Just kidding)
Comment By Sam on March 11, 2005 4:30 PM
