Thursday, February 10, 2005
You're Definitely Not On Fire Like a Peasant
Posted by Sam at 1:40 PM
Today, I found that the Homestar Runner peeps made a trailer for a movie based on their Peasant's Quest game. It's really well done and really funny. I'd suggest that you watch it, whether you've played the game or not. However, much of the humor is taken straight from the game... so it helps to have played.
Need some background? Ok. A while back, the geniuses over at (the creators of Strongbad Emails) released an old school styled flash game called Peasant's Quest. The game was like the games that Sierra once put out... on like 23 floppy disks per game. Remember Space Quest and King's Quest? It was like the early versions of those. Essentially, you would move your character around a crude pixelated world with the arrow keys and then type simple commands for him to perform. Like "climb ladder" or "take sandwich" or "throw baby." Peasant's Quest is very much like that. The basic storyline is that you, a peasant named Rather Dashing, find your thatched roof hut BURNINATED! You go on a revenge styled quest to kill the evil menace, TROGDOR (a big "S" shaped dragon responsible for the burninating of your hut). It is tons of fun... in fact, I think that it is the only video game that has been able to capture my attention since Tetris. It is pretty intense too. It took me about two days at work to beat the game... and I think that I actually needed to download a walkthrough to finish it! Pathetic... I know.
If you're new to all this Homestar Runner stuff (what!? do you live in a cave... with a 56k modem!?), I'd recommend watching this, and then definitely watching this (which highlights the origins of TROGDOR, THE BURNINATOR!).
Comments: 2 | Post a Comment | Permalink

My Commodore 64 does not seem to be loading the game...
Any suggestions?
Is this available for tape drive?
Comment By Showroadie on February 10, 2005 4:51 PM

okay, that was just mean. dont you think id like to watch some trogdor every now and again?
Comment By manuel noriega on February 10, 2005 11:56 PM
