Friday, February 04, 2005
Suicide Rabbit Needs Pie For Her Goat Plug
Posted by Sam at 8:20 AM
Finder windows should have tabbed browsing just like Safari.
Wouldn't that rock? Doesn't that make so much sense? Someone code that up. I'll buy you a donut.
Exercise 1: Imagine that you aren't a Mac/Tech geek. Now reread the first sentence of this post (I'll paste it below, you lazy bastard).
Finder windows should have tabbed browsing just like Safari.
Now doesn't that sentence seem like some sort of secret agent code? Like, "The clock strikes toast at the mall of your mind" or "Suicide rabbit needs pie for her goat plug" or... nevermind.
Anyway, that's all. Oh, right... someone code me up a finder replacement that adds tabs to finder windows. The reward stands at one donut (of your choice) for successful implementation of tabbed browsing in finder windows. Good luck and godspeed.
UPDATE: Andy Budd knows what I'm talking about. That image came from his site too.
Comments: 5 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Every now and then you manage to pointedly remind me, exactly how much of a pedestrian, simpleton I am. Sure, I can discuss Papel Ascension politics or IMF funding failures, or the importance of the Golan Heights in Israeli/Palestinian politics, but I'm not even sure what a "Finder Window" is.
Thanks, I was just thinking I was figuring out this nifty thing on my desk. Apparently, my pc is just like my brain. I'm using about 2% of its capacity and I think I'm really getting somewhere.
Seriously, what's a "Finder Window"? And isn't it against the Law of the MAC for you to even say Windows?
Comment By Showroadie on February 04, 2005 8:44 AM

give me a mock up.
i'll give you your code.
The tabs in OS X (10.2 and higher, below tabbing isn't a part of the UI toolkit) are those "pill like" buttons that center in the middle of a bar. they do not attach to thir sibling windows, but rather highlight with the os highlight color (blue cheifly) when the tab is selected.
So yeah
Give me a mockup.
I'll write you your tabbed finder.
Comment By Dr. Kennedy on February 04, 2005 9:20 AM

Also, the image "" should be a link which leads you back to the front door of your site.
Web UI 101.
Love, Todd
Comment By Dr. Kennedy on February 04, 2005 9:21 AM

usually, i love listening to you speak techno babble. the same way i love listening to niem talk to her mom. it just doesnt work in type. sorry.
Comment By manuel noriega on February 04, 2005 9:53 AM

It's funny because today i had the same idea as you. Finally a use Path Finder instead of coding a new finder. In the same way, i wish that's will be all app who use tabbing system (Adobe instead)
Comment By on March 07, 2006 7:46 PM
