Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Has it really been that long?
Posted by Sam at 10:35 AM
It has been over a week since my last post. Yep, I'm a slacker. Keep in mind, I could make excuses... I could try to tell you that I have been doing exceptional things with my time... in short, I could lie. But I will not do that to you, O' beloved reader. Instead, I will tell you about this:
There is a possibility that yours truly will be corrupting... sorry, enhancing the minds of today's college elite. I was asked to teach Graphic Design to college students. I was a college student just over a year ago. Craziness! Utter insanity... It is not definite. The dude that I would be replacing seems to be a real flake. Classes started yesterday and he has yet to tell the college whether he will or will not be able to teach (it is a long and boring story). Anyway, I should find out today.
The future of America may very well rest in my hands. Isn't that a comforting thought?
At this juncture, I cannot help but think of the poignant words of Professor Glen Danzig: "Am I demon? I need to know." Glen, so do I. If I'm demon, I should probably rework my syllabus... before I pollute the minds of those innocent, defenseless, trusting college youths...
Comments: 1 | Post a Comment | Permalink

I wish you the best in your potential expansion into undermining tomorrow's society, today. I'm just glad I passed on graphic arts classes this year, in lieu of sitting at home posting snide comments to your blog. *phew*! That was a close one!
Comment By Blackwatch on January 19, 2005 1:26 PM
