Thursday, March 10, 2005
85 Days, 5 Hours, and 43 Minutes Until the End
Posted by Sam at 10:28 AM
By now, everyone knows that I will be going to grad school in the fall. And in my wake, I will be leaving a lot of things behind. I will be leaving Massachusetts. I will be leaving Northampton. I will be leaving my radical housemates... etc. I will also be leaving behind my job. And while it is not a bad job... the people that I work with are awesome, they buy me whatever toys I want, the pay is good, they leave me alone enough to post blog entries whilst at work... I am simply not happy here. I am not being challenged and I have a lot of skills that are just rotting away. In short, I will be happy to move on. And now, I have come to the point of this post... the crux, if you will. So, pay attention. As of right this instant, there are exactly 85 days, 5 hours, and 52 minutes until that last glorious moment of work. And how do I know this (without doing any of that hideous math)? Well, I simply looked at my menu bar, of course (see photo). Now it reads, "85 days, 5 hours, and 50 minutes until the end."
The little app that is allowing me to have this customized countdown (constantly taunting me with its promise of freedom... so close, yet so far) is a piece of freeware, aptly named Countdown. This application only does one thing, but it does it well.
If you have an impending moment of glory (or doom) in your future, you might want to play with this little app. It is helping me to remember that there is hope in my future... and I only have to suffer through a painful 85 days, 5 hours, and 43 minutes to get there.
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