Wednesday, November 03, 2004
A Dark Day
Posted by Sam at 12:07 PM
Today is a dark day for America. I just don't get it. Living here in Massachusetts (especially Northampton) makes it hard to believe that this is the outcome. George W. Bush is going to be the President of the United States of America for the next four years. My hands are shaking. My mouth is dry. I'm really scared.
My only hope is that the majority of America is smarter than I am. I sincerely hope that the majority voice of this country (of which I am not a part), chose wisely, accurately, and with foresight. I hope that the majority voice understands things at a level that I do not... because it is clear to me that this choice is not the right one. Apparently however, I've been shown that I am wrong. Democracy has spoken and told me that my choice was incorrect.
America, I earnestly hope that you have done the right thing.
Comments: 2 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Demorcracy is not telling you your choice is wrong. Just different. Also, it was inline with a large amount of America. Not like you voted for the Red-Green-Tree-FudgeSwirl party, right? (not like that is wrong...)
I don't know that I really liked either choice, but I did make one. It was as close in my mind as it was in the country. We shall see what happens. Worse comes to worse he'll get impeached or I will move to Scotland.
Comment By Blackwatch on November 03, 2004 11:50 PM

"I'm all in favor of the democratic principle that one idiot is as good as one genius, but I draw the line when someone takes the next step and concludes that two idiots are better than one genius." -Leo Szilard
Comment By Micah MacAllen on November 05, 2004 9:15 AM
