Thursday, October 28, 2004
My Hell-o-ween Costume
Posted by Sam at 9:20 AM
I'm collecting opinions on my Halloween costume idea. I think it's brilliant! Ok... I'll be honest. It's pretty lame. Most of my friends (and colleagues) that I've mentioned the costume idea to, have simply rolled their eyes, mumbled something like "yeah... that seems about the right type of costume for this loser," and either walked away or changed the subject. I love my friends. They're really supportive.
Here is the costume idea: I have an old and broken (and bright yellow) electric guitar. It's a fake strat. The guitar is by no means something to be proud of. Anyway, the idea is that I will paint blood and mortal wounds all over the guitar. Maybe even dislodge the neck from the body. Halloween night, I will wear the guitar proudly on my back, in true rock fashion. People will ask, "Sam, what the bloodclot are you dressed up as?" To which I will reply, "An axe murderer... duh!" Get it? Guitars are sometimes called axes? I've got a murdered guitar strapped to my back. So, I'm an axe murderer.
Ok, fine. So I'm not going to win any Costume of the Year awards... not even honorable mention. But, at least it's punny. Oh my god. I'm so sorry. That just slipped out.
Any thoughts? Any costume ideas of your own?
Comments: 1 | Post a Comment | Permalink

For one, I think "axe murderer" is a clever idea. Then, that's me. Be sure to carry the Bone Sabre on your person.
Of course, I would say that I would go as a pole dancer, a chippendale, or something else that would embarass my poor wife horribly.
Comment By Blackwatch on October 28, 2004 10:57 AM
