Thursday, November 17, 2005
Bean Dip... Part II
Posted by Sam at 12:05 PM | tags: sambot, blogging
Grumble grumble...
So now what? The last test post worked flawlessly. What's the deal with my Gwar post then!? Is there something in it that Blogger doesn't like? What could it be? Is Blogger just anti-Gwar?
For those of you who haven't been following this tragedy, this here's what's been a'happenin': I post an entry about Gwar (still to be found on my server here). Ten of your earth minutes later, while attempting to leave a comment (yes, I leave comments on my own blog. It makes me feel as though I have a rich and fascinating social life), I find that Blogger has removed the post from their servers... after they have successfully posted it to my blog! Wha!? I repost the entry. Everything is working splendidly. And then, ten minutes later, it's gone! I repeated this process thrice. And all thrice times three times yielded the same result. So, in an effort to pinpoint the problem, I posted that test post yesterday. If it fails, then clearly something is wrong with Blogger. If it succeeds, then something is wrong with my Gwar post.
If you'll notice, yesterday's post is still active and recognized by Blogger. Therefore, the problem lies somewhere within the Gwar post. But where!?
I summon the collective knowledge of the blogosphere. Help!
Comments: 4 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Could you have been "flagged"?
That little flag thing up in the blogger nav bar?
This is a relatively new feature on blogger. I have not employed it, and frankly, have no idea what sort of events it puts into motion.
I suspect the Freemasons and Clear Channel may be invloved.
Comment By nacho on November 17, 2005 3:05 PM

Are you being censored?
Comment By Nomad on November 17, 2005 5:02 PM

I had a problem once with disappearing posts on blogger. The same two posts kept disappearing despite my repeated attempts to republish them. Finally, I recreated those posts from scratch the following day; they did not disappear. It was tickin' me off though as both post had a couple of comments on them.
It has not happened again. If you figure it out, I'd love to know what's up.
Comment By Jim on November 17, 2005 7:32 PM

Obviously there is some sort of under-underground anti-Gwar movement most likely comprised of midwestern housewives and Martha Stewart...actually maybe its just Martha herself. She has that kind of power and she does claim to be a beacon of all things tasteful. Maybe Martha was surfing the net in her Greenwich mansion and she linked to via some sort of doilie site and was shocked to see a post about Gwar....yeah I like that idea. Go Sam you show that snob whose boss!!!! Viva Underground! Viva Punk Rock!
Comment By TheDarkLordDerfla on November 17, 2005 10:05 PM
