Sunday, September 11, 2005
Two Great Tastes
Posted by Sam at 2:28 AM
I don't exactly know why I thought that dried mango wedges smothered in chili powder would taste particularly good. Actually, come to think of it, I didn't think that dried mango wedges smothered in chili powder would taste particularly good at all... but I just had to know for sure. It's like when your college dorm mate says, "Dude, this bong water tastes like liquid ass!" And well... at that point, it's up to you, and only you, to verify or refute that claim.
Now, as an undergrad, I didn't have much of a typical college experience. So the above statement is based purely on hearsay. But, from what I have heard, those college kids can get pretty crazy... up all night studying and so forth.
Anyway, this spicy mango concoction was truly a taste sensation. And that sensation of course, was nausea.
And on that note, goodnight.
Comments: 2 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Geez... I just reread this post. When did sambot deteriorate into gross stories and potty-humor just to get a cheap laugh? I'll redeem myself with something of value tomorrow. Or the next day. Maybe one of these days...
Comment By Sam on September 11, 2005 2:37 AM

you know what's funny though?
when i was in london i had paper-thin sliced asian pineapple infused with cinnamon and habenaro.
it was actually amazing.
fruit + hot stuff is actually a great taste. ever had peach salsa?
but really, less potty humor you loser.
Comment By Dr. Kennedy on September 11, 2005 7:34 PM
