Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Posted by Sam at 11:20 PM | tags: apple, life
I'm beginning to feel dehydrated from all of the drooling that I've been doing. No, not from the alcohol induced brain damage (the incessant drinking can't be helping the situation though). I've been drooling over the not-yet-available MacBook. Holy moly... that 'Book is slick! And, I don't care what the heck it's called. I just want need one. Badly. Actually, I need the 12" version that will inevitably be released (hopefully soon). Or, perhaps the 13" widescreen version that I've been hearing talk of.
Other things of interest are the introduction of the iWeb application into the iLife suite. That should be interesting. Also the iPod remote/FM tuner thingy, and the Intel iMac, and... you know what? I don't give a donkey's liver about any of that. This MacWorld belongs to the Macbook!
Well, here's to an awesome MacWorld! L'Chaim! It's too bad that unforeseen events left me sans internet during the Keynote. I'll be fine (thanks for your concern)... though internet access will remain dodgy for the next week or so. Anyway, I'm off. I have to go fabricate some kind of a drool catching contraption. I'm thinking duct tape and a plastic cup. Although, at the rate that I'm drooling, perhaps a bucket is more appropriate. Hmmm... if I were to affix a Brita filtration device instead of the cup, I could reuse the drool... ugh, nevermind.
Comments: 4 | Post a Comment | Permalink

I too am waiting for them to unleash that 12 inch monster...that way I can finally retire my Dell. Hmmm it will be like buying my first computer!
Comment By TheDarkLordDerfla on January 11, 2006 8:19 AM

oh sam, i want you to know, when this dell dies, i'm going mac, baby!
Comment By w-w on January 11, 2006 8:20 AM

I want you all to know that since my brother, Sam, is without high speed internet this week he called me so I could describe apple.com's website the other day. He made me research the entire website for him while on the phone. I need you to know that I am not an apple girl, but I did this just because Sam is in fact my brother. To Siblings!
Comment By Anonymous on January 11, 2006 11:56 PM

my nomination for the sibling of the year award goes to mimi, for going above and beyond, setting new levels of patients and understanding for us all to strive for and mostly for having to freakin describe the apple web site on the freakin phone. dorkiness abounds.
Comment By manuel noriega on January 12, 2006 1:41 PM
