Monday, January 09, 2006
I Deserve This Beer
Posted by Sam at 9:27 PM | tags: life
After all the touching and, dare I say, the violation that I was just forced to endure, I deserve this goddamn beer. And you know what? I deserve the goddamn beer that's going to come after this one too. Thank Buddha for the burgeoning airport bar scene. (yes... Buddha)
I've blogged about my inclusion on the National Do Not Fly list before. I've told the blogosphere about how I'm constantly forced to strip for the amusement of airport security. Never, however, has the process been this... umm, thorough.
Anyway, I have to go clean myself now... with sandpaper... and maybe a blowtorch if I can find one. Whatever, I'll use a creme brulee torch. I Don't care. So unclean... so unclean...
Comments: 1 | Post a Comment | Permalink

What exactly did you have to do to earn this beer?
Comment By TheDarkLordDerfla on January 10, 2006 3:53 PM
