Thursday, September 29, 2005
The End Is Nigh
Posted by Sam at 2:39 PM | tags: apple, technology
I watched a student boot up his Dell Inspiron 600m laptop into Mac OS 10.4.1 today. It booted quickly and efficiently. Mouth agape, I watched as he launched Safari and iPhoto. Both opened with ease. He taunted me by loading sambot into Safari. A solitary tear rolled down my cheek.
My friends, the end is nigh. An era of self-proclaimed Macintosh elitism and snobbery have come to their final moments. Gone will be the day where the Macintosh can surf the internet unprotected and unafraid of catching the latest virus or worm. The good times are over.
I think we all know what to do now. Friends, go to your Mac. Hug your Mac. Spend some quality time with your Mac... for the next Mac you buy may, in fact, be a Dell.
Comments: 6 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Hmmm, maybe I will try to update my laptop. But I really don't think my chip is compatible.
Comment By TheDarkLordDerfla on September 30, 2005 10:42 AM

what the fuck! is that even legal?? pc owners are like locusts
Comment By bryan on September 30, 2005 2:54 PM

Muhahaha! PC shall rule forever! Bow before it's awesomeness!
Comment By Anonymous on October 04, 2005 2:47 PM

Please, do not confuse PC and Windows users!!! There are pleanty of linux users still out there, using cheap dell computers. Mac OS might be better but I will never again pay for either Mac OS or Microsoft product. Long live LINUX! hm... posting this from fuc*ing windows... cant talk my girl into switching yet...
Comment By Toolman on October 08, 2005 4:29 PM

Maybe some of this Mac zealotry will die with intel Macs. I'm embarrassed to admit I use a Mac for fear of being associated with darkside-phobic dweebs. Until the Mac UI can get it together (lock-in place maximized windows, smarter drawers, etc.) they can't be thinking that the Mac is perfect. The whole platform bashing thing is silly. If Macs were more popular, they'd have the most viruses. Everyone knows this. Sam Bot, I still love your site! You just need to stop the PC hatin' ;-)
Comment By Anonymous on November 18, 2005 9:08 AM

About the PeeCee hatin'... Yeah, I should probably cut down. It's almost an unconscious thing at this point. Instinctual.
What I need to keep in mind though, is that sometimes sarcasm doesn't really come across in writing. Most times, I'm speaking in jest. I love my PeeCee using friends, I love their PeeCees, and I love discussing with them the pros, cons, and absurdities of being a Mac/PeeCee user. I look at it as friendly banter... fuel for conversation. It's similar in many ways to sports fans and their fanatical love of one team over the other.
Anyway, if I offended anyone, it was entirely unintentional. Thanks for reading! Blog on!
Comment By Sam on November 18, 2005 3:02 PM
