Monday, April 04, 2005
Tonight, I Got Some Action
Posted by Sam at 10:13 PM
I coerced her into shedding some external layers. Cautiously, she let me remove her most protective garments. One by one I placed them aside... each piece revealed more of her exquisite form. Her most private and delicate parts were available to me... to my eyes... to my hands. As she grew more comfortable in my firm, yet gentle grasp, it became apparent that she wanted more. She wanted my fingers probing her warm depths. She wanted me inside...
And that's what it was like for me as I dismantled my Powerbook this evening. Well, actually it wasn't like that at all. It was really frightening. I love my Powerbook so much. To perform surgery like this was truly nerve-racking.
Obviously, I was able to fix the problem that I was having earlier. I had to remove the keyboard and figure out what was preventing the spacebar from pressing down. I would never have been able to get the keyboard off however, without the help of PB Fix It. Powerbook users, bookmark this site! It's an amazing resource for do-it-yourself Powerbook upgrades and repairs.
And now, we're off to bed. I know it's early, but my Powerbook and I have had a rough day. She needs her rest, and I want to be there to ease her sleep... caressing her aluminum chassis and what not...
You just wouldn't understand.
Comments: 2 | Post a Comment | Permalink

So? What was stuck in there? A garden hose? A penny? Your long lost house guests? What?!?!
I think more people should feel that way about technology. Of course...once VR comes of age...
Comment By Blackwatch on April 05, 2005 8:17 AM

Sam, Awesome post...a little racy...not quite suitable for work.
Comment By TheDarkLordDerfla on April 07, 2005 11:57 AM
