Friday, November 04, 2005
Professor Opeth
Posted by Sam at 3:08 AM | tags: audio, dark
Graduate school, shmaduate school... I've learned everything I'll ever need to know from Opeth's Mikael Akerfeldt. Really. Watch this stunning video clip (shot by yours truly, at The Palladium in Worcester, MA on 10/30/05), as the audience and I learn some crucial life skills... death metal style!
Thanks Opeth. You've saved me a lot of money in college loans!
Click here to watch the clip (right-click to download).
UPDATE 1: Some Windows users are reporting problems viewing the file. If you are among them, simply download the latest version of Quicktime. But, for those of you reluctant to install Apple software, I have encoded a larger-file-size, crappier-looking, yet PeeCee-friendly .avi for your perusal. Click here to give it a go. Enjoy!
UPDATE 2: From an anonymous commenter, "To listen to my interview with Opeth's Peter Lindgren, done the night of this show, listen to my radio show, Black Night Meditations on Tuesday the 8th." More information about the show and the station can be found at the Portsmith Community Radio site. The show starts at 10 p.m. Can't wait!
UPDATE 3: Opeth is scheduled to guest on tomorrow's Headbanger's Ball (MTV2, 10 p.m.). Hmmm... it would be really swell if some awesome individual DVRed this show and posted a link to the download (or Torrent) in the comments section of this post. That would be simply spectacular...
Comments: 15 | Post a Comment | Permalink

Great clip! Akerfeldt is a riot. That show was quite fun. The 2 Ghost Reveries tunes & the 2 MAYH tunes were the highlights.
To listen to my interview with Opeth's Peter Lindgren, done the night of this show, listen to my radio show, Black Night Meditations on Tuesday the 8th.
Would you be posting any more clips from this show?
Comment By Anonymous on November 04, 2005 10:55 AM

ahhh..very nice, sam. feels like i was there when i watch that clip. perhaps the next one i'll be able to make it.
by the way, with all this free time to update your blog, how come you cant take two minutes to write back to me douche bag.
Comment By bryan on November 04, 2005 1:53 PM

Excellent! That was a great show. Now I can get my wife to see what a funny guy Mikael is!
Comment By Dave on November 04, 2005 3:17 PM

I've been getting a lot of email thanking me for the video clip and asking if I have any others from the show. That's awesome! Thanks! I do have a few other clips (one of Nevermore, a few of Opeth, and many photos). I still need to sort through them though. If anything is worthy, I definitely post it!
On a related note, I'm psyched that picked up on my post and blogged about it! Check them out if you don't already. Great source for metal news...
Comment By Sam on November 04, 2005 5:10 PM

The video file is corrupted or screwed up. It's just a white screen, and it says Quicktime cannot find the file needed to play it on the Quicktime server.
Reformat this thing to a .wmv instead of this Mac crap!
Comment By Anonymous on November 04, 2005 6:58 PM

PeeCee users having problems? Just go get the latest version of quicktime.
When I have some free time, I'll see if I can make a .wmv of this video. Check back this evening. I'll post an update on the main page.
Comment By Sam on November 04, 2005 7:12 PM

Opeth owns, and since you put this video up, you own by association. Thanks a lot.
Comment By morbid misanthrope on November 04, 2005 9:19 PM

That show was awesome! Thanks for posting the video, i definitely enjoyed that part, too
Comment By Anonymous on November 05, 2005 2:17 AM

That show was awesome! Thanks for posting the video, i definitely enjoyed that part, too
Comment By Anonymous on November 05, 2005 2:17 AM

Great job man!
Comment By oRi0n on November 06, 2005 10:27 AM

Anyone have a copy of the MTV2 deal?
Comment By Anonymous on November 06, 2005 6:35 PM

thanks for posting it.
Comment By Snoozebutton Longtooth on November 07, 2005 3:21 AM

blabbermouth is decent, it's really too bad they're part of Roadrunner, who is part of the RIAA. Still, they have good metal news coverage.
other good metal news sites: (probably the best metal news site overall) (decent metal site) (who take some news from blabbermouth along with other sources) has upcoming release dates for metal and industrial CDs and DVDs.
Comment By Stoneface on November 07, 2005 3:31 AM

Hey there, i found this via blabbermouth, i wasnt able to get the clip but that may be because i am on a school computer, hopefully when i get home it will work?
i was wondering if you posted the other pictures you mentioned having anywhere...
i was at that show and it was fucking AMAZING, fireball ministry sucked, nevermore was okay, but i think opeth was phenominal. i have been looking for good pictures for a while now, especially of mikael in the pumpkin hat....i had a great view, there was only one person between me and the railing, and i was center of course.
if you get this and feel like replying you could email me at, or go to my livejournal which is and comment, or AIM me at obsidiansomnium.
thansk so much. xPaulina
Comment By Anonymous on November 17, 2005 10:42 AM

Hey, i was at this show, I was the one that they shined the spotlight on when michael mentioned me (the man with the red hat) aka the pumpkin hat a blonde later threw onto the stage haha...anyway...was wondering if you have more footage of the show, ive seen opeth 3 times including that time and its always good to watch them perform :) i dont know if this is a current site but if you do have more footage id love to see it, and if you were to be so kind as to show it to me id be eternally grateful ^_^ aim name: highwaydclxvi
Comment By Anonymous on February 08, 2006 5:19 AM
